Warm, sunny, 4:30ish
Decided to go back to Mount Auburn today, it’s getting into late July and I’m not expecting to see anything too exciting. I notice the board with sightings always has suspect claims this time of year “15 Philadelphia Vireos….5 Canada Warblers…250 Robins”. I’m sure the person saw a ton of Robins, but the other 2 are highly dubious, if not flat out impossible this time of year, but I digress. We walked around Willow Pond for a while and noted the turtles. There were several people on the opposite side of the pond from BF Skinner’s grave; they had easels set up. I got a picture of a father & son painting together.
After traipsing about by Willow for a while we headed over to Halcyon for a while, I wanted to find the Great Blue Heron. I’m still irritated that the memory card ate the pictures I had taken of it the day I saw the Black-Crowned Night Heron. Fortunately when we got there we spotted the Great-Blue after a few minutes of walking along the shore. Wendy is always perturbed when she encounters one. I think because they’re only slightly shorter than her, and their wingspan is greater than her’s.