So Warbler season is pretty much over at this point, but I took a trip to Mount Auburn anyway to see what was shaking. As soon as I drove in the side gate I immediately ran into the turkey, it actually charged my car sort of, and then wandered off to a grassy area to eat. I got a bunch of nice pictures, before leaving to check out the dell, which was pretty much absent warblers. Down by Willow Pond I spotted a turtle chilling on a log, so I got some pictures of that, as well as some of the flowers that are blooming. On the way out I stopped again to get some more pictures of the Turkey, one of which you can see at the right here.

Below here you can see a picture of one of the flowers, I think it's an iris, as well as the turtle sunning itself on the log. I also ran across a song sparrow at some point, calling from some foliage. It was a nice trip, the Turkey has been an added surprise the last couple of trips. I also need to check on the owls again at some point, although they very well might have fledged by now. I'll have to look for them around the dell, which is where the parents like to hang out.
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