Wednesday, May 2, 2012

October 16, 2011 Mount Auburn Cemetery

Sunny, breezy, mild
Well this was a fun one!   As we drove into the cemetery on a windy day we were driving along a path and Wendy somehow managed to spot this bird sitting on a branch a ways back from the road.  How she spot it I’m not sure.  Haven’t seen an Accipiter in quite some time, and that’s what this was, so I was especially pleased.   This handsome fellow on the following pages is an immature Cooper’s Hawk.  He seemed perfectly fine with letting us get close to him, we got plenty of great shots as he swayed on the branch. 

Immature Coopers Hawk Immature Coopers Hawk

We eventually carried on and ran into the Turkeys, which are becoming a frequent sight in the Cemetery, here’s a couple pictures of them.

I also wanted to include a couple pictures of Auburn Lake, since it looks quite nice this time of year:

Overall it was a lovely trip and we had a great time. 

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