Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 25th, 2011 Wednesday

Sunny, cloudless, beautiful
                I figured since the previous day was such a smashing success and with the weather being much nicer today I got the great idea to go to Mount Auburn again.  It appears however that with the nicer weather a lot of the migrating birds have pushed on further north, probably making their way to New Hampshire, Maine, and Canada over the next week or two.  
                I arrived at Mount Auburn, and sticking with the theme, I went to the dell, since birds love secluded wetlands.  Just outside of it I saw a bird hopping around, and got some pictures of it, thinking it was a Parula.  Arriving back home however and looking I realized I had again gotten shots of the suddenly not-so-elusive Mourning Warbler.  These shots were not that great either, I had just arrived and didn’t have time to get any of my settings in, but you can again tell from the side view this time, that it is indeed a Mourning Warbler.   After this I waited around for a while but some other people confirmed there really weren’t a whole ton of Warblers or other migrants left at this point, I guess yesterday was the last hurrah for the season.  I spotted a Black & White, but other than that nothing was really happening there.  

   I decided to try Halcyon Lake for a while, more towards the front of the cemetery, and a reputed bird-spot.  I saw a Red-Winged Blackbird that was quite vocal and active, as well as a Northern Oriole who was singing merrily.  As per the usual I got about 80 pictures of its’ rear end.  I also got pictures of a Song Sparrow and a Grackle.  Fairly common, but they were all welcome sights.  Bird is bird, any of them make me happy.  After hanging out around the lake for roughly a half hour I decided to head home.  Good times.

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